Alternative Health Community, The Challenges We Face When Leaving the Grocery Store And Head For The Health Food Store.

The challenges we face in the Health Food Store, the exotic ingredients, the expense, and how trying to be so healthy can be a landmine. Sometimes our efforts to be different from the regular grocery story has its own set of problems causing even more Immune System reactions. Actually simple-er is better, when you are a reactive person with a history of sensitivities. 

Migraines, Stomachaches, Acid Reflux (GERD)……..So Many Symptoms. 

Keep Your Eyes Open To ALL Your Symptoms In Order To Figure Out What Is Causing Them. It is important to notice your reactions and to understand they all mean the Immune System is being triggered by something. It could be caused by food, drinks, clothing, furniture, makeup, lotions, hair products, fabrics, weather changes, emotions, etc. Many times, your symptoms are due to multiple things, which will keep increasing the intensity of your symptoms. The Solution: Update the Immune System, and everything changes.

Inflammation, What It Tells Us & What It Does Not! Find The Solution To The Inflammation Craze.

Inflammation Basically Tells Us We Are Reacting To Something In Our World! It’s an immune response due to an injury, a reaction to something our immune system does not like, or possibly a chronic illness. Problem solving the reason for inflammation can result in a simple immune system update to stop the reaction. Inflammation is not something you have to live with all the time.

What’s Normal, What Is NOT Normal, And The Stories We Tell Ourselves To Find the Answers To Our Symptoms.

If You Want Your Symptoms To Stop, It’s Important To Find Out Exactly What Is Causing Them.
 We have a tendency to have a few facts and then create a mental story around it that turns out not to be true or is only partially true. Gas, bloating, acid reflux, migraines, fatigue, back pain, eczema, and clearing your throat are actually NOT NORMAL, but they are a sign of reacting to something in your everyday life. This podcast is all about getting to the bottom of those mystery symptoms and updating the Immune System, which changes the reaction to them.
Come join the discussion.

It’s A CSI Investigation Of Total Confusion Unless You Know A Few Secrets.

Yes, the “Symptom Mystery” has begun – a murder mystery to solve like no other. It can be complicated, confusing and does not make sense to you initially, but it makes total sense to the Immune System. My Recommendations are: Keep it simple, Follow your symptoms, Don’t let your head or those diagnoses get in the way of seeing things clearly. As soon as you get the concept, you will have an “AH – HA Moment” that clears the way to a better understanding about why you are struggling with symptoms. It’s a powerful day when you figure it out.

Diagnoses. What They Mean, How They Block Us From Seeing Our Symptoms. And Why They Get In the Way Of Problem Solving.

Diagnosis, Diagnosis, Diagnosis! If we switch from focusing on the “Diagnosis” to focusing on our “Symptoms” everything starts making more sense. It is all about making things clearer, pinpointing the reason for our symptoms, and not being so loyal to a diagnosis. Watching what the immune system is reacting too will give us the answers we want.  

Welcome To Relief From Everyday Symptoms

Come join me in discovering a new way of looking at symptoms and health issues.

Have you ever said, “Why Am I Having So Many Symptoms Without Having Any Idea Why It Is Happening?”
Would you like those symptoms to stop? It is possible, if you are open to learning the “Language Of The Immune System.”