Dogs, Cats, Horses, Pets & “Hot Spots”, Itching, Drippy Eyes, Ear Infections, Diarrhea!

Seriously? Can your pets have the same issues you have digestively, skin issues, ear infections, itching, and low energy? They can and they do! Your dog or cat is reacting to similar things in your living environment and are challenged with food ingredients you are restricting yourself from eating. Maybe you do not suffer with “Hot Spots” per se, but the eczema issue you struggle with is not so different from their challenges. Open your eyes to seeing your pets issues in a whole new way. They need help just like you do. Come join us at and listen to Relief From Everyday Symptoms Podcast

Grains & Gluten, Are They Causing All Our Symptoms?

Why am I so sensitive to Grains and Gluten now? What is going on in the United States, and somehow I am able to eat it in Europe without to many  issues?
Could it have anything to do with the seeds, and the GMO process we have bought into in this country? Yes, it could be!
Are Grains & Gluten  the cause of all your symptoms? NO!
It might have something to do with some of the Gluten-Free Foods we substituted as well.
Come Join me in our discussion. #ReliefFromEverydaySymptoms.

Anti-Microbial Fabrics, Fabric ADD-Ons & The Price We Pay!

Anti-Microbial Fabrics, Anti-Yeast Infection, Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Whatever Else! Why are manufacturers doing this? Are they really interested in protecting us or is this a sales technique allowing them to stand out in the market place to get more market share? And, unfortunately these tactics are at our expense, as we are often reacting to these chemicals. Lots of itching, rashes, back pain, and headaches. Actually, it could be any reaction ….. really!

Yuck!! Gas, Body Aches & Acid Reflux (GERD)

“Crazy Making” – Gas, Body Aches & Acid Reflux (GERD) Never Seems To Go Away!
The current solution is an endless search for the next medication that manages these crazy symptoms, but who wants to do this forever? Would you like to know some of the reasons why this happen?
Is it possible to put an end to all this suffering? If you want your life back to some “degree of normal”, venture out and join the Relief From Everyday Symptoms Podcast to find out!

Fatigue, Tired, “So Freaking Wiped Out” & (CFS) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Fatigue Is As Mysterious As Inflammation! Why can’t anyone figure out what it is causing it? Are we looking in the right place or are we just diagnosing it and hoping the fatigue goes away miraculously? You might be surprised at what might be causing it – If you have an open mind to new ideas and a proven strategy that explains

our intense struggles with fatigue, come listen to an innovative podcast that challenges the status quo!

It’s Natural Flavoring OR Is It Really Artificial Flavoring? Tell Me The Truth!

But,They Told Me It Was Natural Flavoring!! Did they try to fool me? Do you think the food manufacturers want to stop using artificial flavoring?
Probably NOT…. Being aware of this reality is half the battle.
Here is the truth: Artificial Flavoring & Natural Flavoring are the SAME! A discussion of where to find artificial flavoring in common foods and cosmetics products. 
If you are interested in finding out what is causing your symptoms, go to and book a 15 – 20 minute free call on Terye’s calendar to find out.

Are You A Stomach, Sinus, Back Pain, Skin, Or Headache Person? It’s Important To Know.

What’s Your Main Symptom Or Symptoms? Keep an eye on those symptoms, and you will see they increase at different times during your day. Your symptoms are usually due to more than one thing, yet they show up as those same chronic symptoms you have been struggling with for years. If you are interested in finding out more, go to and book a 15 – 20 minute “free” call on Terye’s calendar.

Improve Your Symptoms By Changing A Few Things In Your Life.

A few lifestyle changes can make big shifts in your symptoms! Keep things you use in your life more basic, reduce chemicals in the products you use everyday, and stopping your supplements temporarily will reduce your reactions. The Immune System is a very basic, and will trigger on products it does not recognize causing your daily symptoms.